- The New Science of Appetite Control
- Reach Your Ideal Body Weight Almost Effortlessly
- Tame Your Appetite and Tune Your Metabolism for Lifelong Weight Control
A new effortless approach to reaching your ideal body weight and keeping excess weight off for life!
Introduction: The Promise of High Satiety
1. Why is the World Growing Fat?
2. The Seven Keys to Hunger-Free Weight Loss
3. Restore Blood Sugar Stability
4. Develop Eating Strategies for High Satiety
5. Transform Your Habits, Transform Your Life
6. Reduce the Effects of Stress and Cortisol
7. Tone Your Muscles, Train Your Heart
8. Rev Up Your Metabolism
9. Program Yourself for Success
10. How to Live the Hunger Free Forever Program
11. Additional Recipes for High Satiety
A. Trends in U.S. Food Consumption
B. Glycemic Index, Carbohydrate Count, and Glycemic Load of Selected Foods
C. A Quick Guide to Non- and Low- Calorie Sweeteners
D. Frequently Asked Questions About PolyGlycopleX (PGX)
E. What to Look For in a Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement
Atria Books - New York, London, Toronto, Sydney
ISBN: 978-1-4165-4904-8